

Homework and reading are set daily (usually not at weekends) and parents are asked to see that it is completed properly. We believe that homework is an essential part of primary school life. There are many benefits to homework; some of which are;

  • To consolidate work covered in lessons
  • To improve basic skills and encourage the use of books
  • To develop the routine and working habits in completing homework each evening
  • To set work which is enjoyable and extends the children without creating stress at the end of a working day
  • To develop responsible attitudes i.e self-management, organisation and self-discipline
  • To encourage independent study
  • To provide children with appropriate help and encouragement whilst allowing the children to actually do the work themselves.

Some teachers will request that homework is signed and timed by a parent or guardian. Reading Records are issued by the school to all pupils and parents should ensure that these are signed each evening. Junior pupils are given planners, which should be signed each week by parents. Parents are encouraged to liaise with teachers regarding any issues with homework as we see this as a three way partnership between school, pupil and parent in order to realise the full potential of each child.