
We Salute our ‘Class of 2023’

We Salute our ‘Class of 2023’ Banner

8 Jun 2023

We held a special event recently to celebrate the achievements of our ‘class of 2023’, the upper sixth formers who leave the school this summer.

The leavers’ mass, held in our O’Halloran Hall, was attended by family and friends of our students, and was followed by the presentation of awards by former Head of Sixth Form Carole Killen.

Students were honoured for their efforts in a wide range of fields including sport, music, drama, outreach, the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards and the Combined Cadet Force.

Earlier in the day, they had attended a farewell buffet lunch with their teachers in the Sixth Form Common Room.

Commenting on the event our Principal, Mike Kennedy, said: “The leavers’ mass is always an occasion for mixed emotions, and this was very much the case again this year.

“As always, we are sorry to be losing such an outstanding group of young people, but we know they are ready to move on to the next exciting stage of their lives.

“We wish them all every success, and look forward to hearing about their achievements in the future.”

Image shows (left-right) Isobel Cotogni, Assistant Head of Sixth Form, Xavier Cottrell-Boyce, Head Boy, Monsignor Des Seddon, Celebrant, Rachael Fraser, Head Girl, Mike Kennedy, Principal, Carole Killen, Guest of Honour, Patrick Duffy, Head of Sixth Form
