
Parents Association

The current Parents Association was formed in 1987 and supports the College, Preparatory School and Bright Sparks & Early Years. All parents and guardians of pupils attending the school and school staff are members of the Association.

Management of the Association is vested in a committee and officers of the committee are elected at the Annual General Meeting held during the Summer Term.

The objects of the Association are to:

  1. Encourage, promote and foster active co-operation between the parents and guardians of pupils, the staff and all others associated with the school.
  2. Protect and further the interests of the school, its staff and pupils, and to engage in activities that benefit the education and welfare of all pupils attending the school.

The Association meets some of its objectives by organising various functions and events and the funds raised from these events go to benefit all school departments and all pupils. The money raised has been allocated to numerous school projects including the purchase of playground equipment, computer hardware and software, interactive whiteboards, lockers, library equipment, sports and music equipment, and toys for the nursery.

All parents are welcome to get involved and we hope that you will support us by attending our functions or by offering assistance in any way you can.

We look forward to meeting you and if you have any questions or have any fundraising ideas please do not hesitate to contact us at the following email address: [email protected].

Thank you for your support – it is greatly appreciated! 

Useful Information

St. Mary’s College Parents Association Constitution PA Funds Request Form Bid Guidelines and Application 100 Club – Membership Form

Easyfundraising Information Booklet School Lottery Leaflet How it works Easy Fundraising – shop online PA Welcome pack