

Fees and charges for the 2024-25 academic year are as follows:

Per Year*Per Term*
School Fees*£9,771£3,257
Lunch Fees£618£206
Bus Fees (only if applicable)£1,050£350
Instrumental Fees (Y5 & Y6)£180£60

*The College reserves the right to amend the published Fees, and to add any necessary taxation to the Fees, if future governmental legislation changes.

Please note there are no additional fees payable for Breakfast Club, Extra-Curricular Activities or After School Club; these services are all included in the regular school fees.

Payment of Fees

Each term’s fees are payable in advance of the start of the term unless otherwise agreed by a separate contractual arrangement under our Termly Instalment Scheme. Payment may be made by Direct Debit on request.