28 Mar 2024
We turned our school into a polling station for the day and all of our pupils voted for their two chosen candidates for their class. After the voting took place and all votes were counted we were delighted to inform the chosen candidates that they had been elected. We caught up with them to find out a bit more about why they wanted to be part of the School Council and what they hope to achieve in their new roles!
Favourite school meal? Burger
Favourite lesson/subject? Reading
Why do you think it is good to have a School Council at the school? Because we get to put new things in place at the school.
Why did you want to be part of the School Council? To change things.
Favourite school meal? Fish Fingers
Favourite lesson/subject? I like reading
What do you love most about the school? I love the Book Fair.
Favourite school meal? Pasta
Favourite lesson/subject? Maths
What do you love most about the school? My friends and I love to learn.
Why did you want to be part of the School Council? To listen to others.
“Hello, my name is Archie! I am in Year 1. If you have any ideas come and speak to me!“
Favourite lesson/subject? Maths
What do you love most about the school? Friends
Why do you think it is good to have a School Council at the school? We can help others.
What is something you hope to improve at the school? Make changes on the yard.
Favourite lesson/subject? This is hard – between literacy and maths.
Why do you think it is good to have a School Council at the school? We can make changes.
What do you love most about the School? Seeing my friends and we get to participate in fun activities.
Favourite lesson/subject? Theme
What do you love most about the school? Everything! It is the best.
Why do you think it is good to have a School Council at the school? So we can help other people.
Why did you want to be part of the School Council? Because I want to make the school a better place.
What is something you hope to improve at the school? To make the foursquare lines again – a game we play at the Prep.
Favourite lesson/subject? P.E.
What do you love most about the school? How fun school is.
Why do you think it is good to have a School Council at the school? So we can make the school better for the other children.
What is something you hope to improve at the school? I hope to improve the puddings and the food we get.
Favourite lesson/subject? Maths
What do you love most about the school? It’s very fun and there are lots of sport opportunities.
Why do you think it is good to have a School Council at the school? I think it’s good because everyone has a say and if they want to change something they ask us.
Why did you want to be part of the School Council? I wanted to be part of school council because I want to help people and make our school a better place.
What is something you hope to improve at the school? I hope to improve the school with my decisions.
Favourite lesson/subject? I love PE, Theme, English and reading.
What do you love most about the school? I love how inclusive and fun it is.
Why do you think it is good to have a School Council at the school? There’s someone to represent the years and you can go to them for any suggestions or changes.
Why did you want to be part of the School Council? I thought it would be a great experience and nice to have that responsibility.
“Hi, my name is Beau! Come and see me if you have any suggestions/notices you would like to speak to me about!”
“Hi, my name is Freddie. I will always listen to your ideas and help you along the way!”
Favourite lesson/subject? Maths
Why do you think it is good to have a School Council at the school? I think it is good because everyone has a say.
Why did you want to be part of the School Council? To make people’s opinions heard.
What is something you hope to improve at the school? Break and lunch playtimes.
Favourite lesson/subject? Maths
What do you love most about the school? I love everything about our school.
Why do you think it is good to have a School Council at the school? I think having School Councillors is good because some people might prefer to talk more with their friends than their teachers.
Why did you want to be part of the School Council? I wanted to be part of the School Council because I wanted to help our school families and friends.
What is something you hope to improve at the school? I hope to improve children’s happiness and health!
Favourite lesson/subject? Creative writing, because I can make stories out of it, maybe about the environment.
What do you love most about the school? I like that we have access to the school library so we can borrow a book to read about the environment.
Why do you think it is good to have a School Council at the school? I think that being a school council is an important role because we can contribute to the school display about our planet and we can help get the Eco Green Flag.
What is something you hope to improve at the school? I hope to improve the amount of language learnt and learn languages like Italian, German or Welsh and count languages as a core topic with lessons for at least an hour.
What is your favourite school meal? Pizza because I don’t leave any waste.
What do you love most about the school? I enjoy weighing the waste and helping our school become more environmentally friendly.
Why did you want to be part of the School Council? Because I want to help anyone in need and help the school achieve the Green Flag award.
What is something you hope to improve at the school? By getting the waste lower than 1 stone and making our resources more eco friendly.